
Timor-Leste: textos importantes

1. «The Washington Post, By David Fox, Reuters, Terça-feira, Junho 27, 2006; 7:32 AM
DILI (Reuters) – Milhares de apoiantes do desapropriado Primeiro-Ministro de Timor-Leste Mari Alkatiri juntaram-se fora da capital na terça-feira, um dia depois do Primeiro-Ministro ter resignado no seguimento de uma semana de protesto contra a sua governação» via Timor Online (continue a ler)
2. «Supporters rally behind Alkatiri
BBC, 27.06.2006
The display prompted worries of further tensionsThousands of supporters of East Timor's former PM Mari Alkatiri rallied outside Dili on Tuesday, saying they wanted to march into the capital.But Mr Alkatiri, who resigned amid mounting criticism of his handling of weeks of unrest, urged them to wait "a day or two" before entering the city.» via Timor Online (continue a ler)
3. E o que é isto? Alguma brincadeira? No Timor Online pode ver-se esta foto com o seguinte texto:

Fotografia de José Ramos Horta com a embaixadora australiana, Margaret Twomey, na noite do dia em que Mari Alkatiri apresentou a demissão.

Dos leitores: Hi, you might be interested in this email with photos, which is circulating around Dili after the party the Australian Ambassador to East Timor set up at short notice with Jose Ramos Horta Monday night – once Alkatiri had resigned that afternoon. I gather Twomey sent this email to her local staff - pretty good timing, huh? I think that "Bad result" means Australia lost to Italy - definitely not referring to the political events of the day. You might think she would have some decency to be a bit more subtle, given the criticisms out there about meddling with Timorese politics, the constitutional crisis, and that Horta was pivotal in bringing about Alkatiri's resignation.

Margaret Twomey/People/DFATL27/06/2006 11:05 AM

Cc Dili A-Based

Subject Bad result, but good party!A couple of photographic souvenirs from last night....And many thanks to those who organised things so quickly!

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